Vision, Mission, Goals
and Core Values
Leading Catholic learning institution and evangelizing community in the pursuit of excellence and commitment to forming persons in communion with God in Jesus Christ, one another, and the rest of creation.
We, at Saint Columban College, guided by the gospel values of WISDOM, JUSTICE and CHARITY, commit ourselves to develop fully the talents, and capabilities of the students through holistic quality programs, which aim to help them live their faith, attain academic excellence and perform their responsibilities towards God, society and the rest of the creation.
- To create a climate that will enable the students to cultivate the values of wisdom, justice, and charity.
- To develop students who manifest critical thinking and problem-solving skills through scientific investigation.
- To produce technologically skilled graduates who can articulate their thoughts in cohesive and understandable terms.
- To create an atmosphere that deepens the social commitment of students to help improve the quality of life in their community and the environment.
Core Values
- Wisdom,
- Justice
- Charity

Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. These guiding principles dictate behavior and can help people understand the difference between right and wrong. In Saint Columban College, the core values are embedded in SCC ACTS. It is in active voice to denote that the SCC community does not sit on a problem or issue, but resolves or addresses it.
- Achieves Excellence
- Cultivates a Peaceful Environment
- Takes Care of Mother Earth
- Serves Humanity